Thursday 31 January 2013

This is a video showing me experimenting with construction using my friends weave.

Artist Joanne Petit Frere has been a huge inspiration for me as I have started weaving and plaiting hair to make constructions. This has influenced my practice and shown me an insight to a range of ways of constructing, I have learnt to be very open with my work and started to experiment more.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Joanne petit frère

Joanne Petit-Frere has rediscovered a lost art often relegated to the 1990s: hair braiding. Her one-woman operation, Tresse Agoche, fuses architectural dimensions with soft, gravity defying shapes that make you wish you only had the confidence to be so bold.

Combining elements of sculpture and fashion design, New York-based artist Joanne Petit-Frere developed her “Tresse-Agoche” hair sculpture series with a futuristic vision of womanhood in mind. Woven and mask-like, the artworks echo the religious rituals and folk art forms of many different cultures, endowing the wearers of these hair sculptures with an air of regal power. Captivating and otherworldy, the towering ornaments challenge traditional conceptions of beauty in relation to the female figure. Take a look at some images of the artworks below, images courtesy of Joanne Petit-Frere.